7 comments, not 2:
1. she stopped 1 time to ask the audience not to photograph
2. she overdosed on strings and 1st) perhaps that is another reason not to rewrite the gate for strings, and 2nd) despite the O.D., she would walk to her drinks next to the violin section and just smile so proudly at them. She loved hearing them play her music. I was quite impressed with the passion they infused.
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backstory: I went to the last 2 vulnicura dates in Iceland. violin #1, the soloist, was incredible the first night and it gave me bumps on my arms talking about it to a t-shirt vendor. the second night was with less feeling.
The georgian violin soloist played the black lake solo a bit better than iceland's night #2, but not a good as iceland's night #1. the bachelorette solo was played similarly.
3. she made slight changes to the music again. it is too hard to explain where.
4. the anchor song was sung 1st half in icelandic and 2nd half in english. she did add "again" to the end of "this is my home". She squeezed it in twice.
5. she was back to her animated and joyful self on stage. i suppose the anchor has found its home. She was more serious on the last night of vulnicura in iceland, but that one was shot for the DVD that I hope comes faster than the atlantic ridge drifts.
6. both in iceland and in georgia, she asked the audience to sing along to pluto, but in neither place did I hear anyone sing... but i DID A BIT IN GEORGIA THEN i STOPPED. 1st) i THOUGHT MAYBE THERE WOULD be singing in georgia, 2nd) I stopped because no one else was ... in particular the georgian man to my immediate left... who earlier asked me to not sing after history of touches (or black lake) because it was breaking concentration on the show. Sorry! so sorry! I thought I was singing only loud enough for me to hear it! 3rd) now it is known why I quickly stopped singing pluto. I did lip synch some during the show, but found myself starting to sing again.

I had to put my fingers on my throat to ensure I was not singing. (no mouth mantra references will be made out of respect to the real life illness)
7. aurora, especially on strings, is a very underrated song. I wonder what it would sound like put to the production levels of the new album, using the gate as a guide. It might make a good future b-side.