i converted it with switch converter. quality is ok for the most part, unless the bass is kicking in, but it is still nice to be able to hear things again! virus is so amazing!can someone who knows what they are doing please convert these from flac to high quality mp3 or aac? i have no idea how to do it and cannot play flac...
Anthemic yet, and also Manifesto-y, like Wanderlust. That it is the theme to the mother app makes a lot of sense to me.cosmogony / very solemn. i think she finally wrote the anthem of björk! i am still unsure if it's not too anthemy or too big(?) for me
It's the second one. There are banners and posters up all over Manchester for all of the events and performances, that's probably what the first pic is about.what's the exact adress then ?
thank you kotryna!!!
my thoughts are now: biophilia biophilia biophilia. she's still inside me
the dress was basically the same as 03 show only with bronzish blue top
thunderbolt. oh björk... the one which sounded in my head all evening after the concert![]()
moon and virus is definitely those songs which you would play for you children before sleep (or for yourself)the most perfect lullaby's
crystalline. liked very much. the music is much much better than vocal part to me.though i think crystalline will be the weakest song from biophilia
hollow / ooooohhh my song againnnnn (am i alone who hears similarities with scatterheart? at the end )
dark matter / i am a gibberish lovercannot wait to hear studio version.and this one is very very björk+jónas sen
hidden place![]()
mouth's cradle / well i could say i haven't heard better live performance of mouth's cradle before!
isobel. very alive version
it's not up to you / i am so happy she performed this song! this time she was very hurry to start 'there's too much...' part because of applause ://
sacrifice! sharpsichordtotally fell in love
where is the line / strong one! and now..as she asked me i have to think about my answer. haha
mutual core / wow... breathtaking performance! i almost fell on the ground!
cosmogony / very solemn. i think she finally wrote the anthem of björk! i am still unsure if it's not too anthemy or too big(?) for me
solstice / beautiful. now i have a craving to hear pendulum-generous palmstroke and like someone in love
also jóga was so good (hard one for chorus i guess)
one day was that day
declare independence / at first i was skeptic about continuing that volta 'tradition' but once i experience that live again....
here is if someone is interested
6.dark matter
7.hidden place
8.mouth's cradle
11.it's not up to you
14.where is the line
15.mutual core
16. cosmogony
19.one day
20.declare independence
ok so, anyone can give me the correct street name ? Or is the one on the mif's website the good one ?The building itself is behind the front facade shown here. There is a long alleyway which cuts through a restaurant and leads to the door of the market building itself. All very "period" and lots of atmosphere.
The entrance is in deansgate and the concert takes place inside the building you posted a photo of. The building just look different on the entrance side.ok so, anyone can give me the correct street name ? Or is the one on the mif's website the good one ?The building itself is behind the front facade shown here. There is a long alleyway which cuts through a restaurant and leads to the door of the market building itself. All very "period" and lots of atmosphere.
heroic! thanksi liked manchester very much
sad i had to leave at the same night.
i was really in love with the queue its people and all that excitement in the air. nothing like queue in supermarkets, believe me!!
sadly i don't have anything in good quality. this for example looks like quality from my dreams
my thoughts are now: biophilia biophilia biophilia. she's still inside me
the dress was basically the same as 03 show only with bronzish blue top
thunderbolt. oh björk... the one which sounded in my head all evening after the concert![]()
moon and virus is definitely those songs which you would play for you children before sleep (or for yourself)the most perfect lullaby's
crystalline. liked very much. the music is much much better than vocal part to me.though i think crystalline will be the weakest song from biophilia
hollow / ooooohhh my song againnnnn (am i alone who hears similarities with scatterheart? at the end )
dark matter / i am a gibberish lovercannot wait to hear studio version.and this one is very very björk+jónas sen
hidden place![]()
mouth's cradle / well i could say i haven't heard better live performance of mouth's cradle before!
isobel. very alive version
it's not up to you / i am so happy she performed this song! this time she was very hurry to start 'there's too much...' part because of applause ://
sacrifice! sharpsichordtotally fell in love
where is the line / strong one! and now..as she asked me i have to think about my answer. haha
mutual core / wow... breathtaking performance! i almost fell on the ground!
cosmogony / very solemn. i think she finally wrote the anthem of björk! i am still unsure if it's not too anthemy or too big(?) for me
solstice / beautiful. now i have a craving to hear pendulum-generous palmstroke and like someone in love
also jóga was so good (hard one for chorus i guess)
one day was that day
declare independence / at first i was skeptic about continuing that volta 'tradition' but once i experience that live again....
all in all i go crazy about new songs more than i expected
my recording is actually barely listenable at some songs, where electronics and bass lines are stronger. but i burned cd and i am there again!
here is if someone is interested
6.dark matter
7.hidden place
8.mouth's cradle
11.it's not up to you
14.where is the line
15.mutual core
16. cosmogony
19.one day
20.declare independence
kinda fragment of sharsichord(?)
Did you hear my recordings? I thought I was going to be chased out of the 4um, but I got thank yous!you're all welcome! haha only in 4um: so much gratitude for such a poor quality
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