2011-09-11 @ Bestival, England

2011-09-11 @ Bestival, England

Postby wereduck » Thu Aug 25, 2011 8:01 pm


setlist (via http://www.bjorkspain.net/?p=4729)


There might be a chance for a broadcast. It was announced in April that Sky will broadcast 2 hours in 3D HD on each day of the festival and a 90 minute special afterwards.
Last edited by wereduck on Fri Sep 16, 2011 8:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: 2011-09-11 @ Bestival, England

Postby stupidfambaloo » Thu Aug 25, 2011 8:02 pm

There might be a chance for a broadcast. It was announced in April that Sky will broadcast 2 hours in 3D HD on each day of the festiva and a 90 minute special afterwards.
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Postby wereduck » Fri Sep 16, 2011 8:50 pm

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Postby far & away » Fri Sep 16, 2011 9:47 pm

where the f*ck is virus?
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Postby Erdahls » Fri Sep 16, 2011 10:00 pm

where the f*ck is virus?
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Postby Burnface » Fri Sep 16, 2011 10:02 pm

where the f*ck is virus?
it tried to infect the healthiest pastime, but got its starthole kicked
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Postby Germanyon » Mon Sep 26, 2011 10:39 pm

why isn't she singing sun in my mouth :cry:
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Postby Germanyon » Mon Oct 03, 2011 9:14 pm

i now watched all the videos and I'm shocked of the badnass of that choir, they really are horrible and look like little kids on the huge stage, totally unorganized :?

somehow the old songs don't have a very different biophilia note, some choir here and some gameleste there but in general this all seems very unspecial.... hmmmm...
I'm thinking a lot of loving björks things just because I'm a fan and I love everything she does but that is not quiet correct I think.... I hope I'll reflect more about this and that, compared to volta tour for example this isn't very big, volta tour seemd much more coherent...
hmm I dunno, whatever, I love the album, I doubt I'll see her live on this 'tour' (?) so I don't really care and if I see her live it will be the best thing ever even if the choir isn't what I expect a choir to be :shifty: :| :?

-I really love some choir parts in hyperballad but at the same moments some parts are disgusting.

-where is the line is just over, please 'new' old songs... witl is a complete mess and it completely loses it's intense power somehow... it's so volta :?

-i like thunderbolt a lot with the tesla coil

-the improvisation gibberish parts of mouth's cradle are gorgeous, gives the song a very fresh note

- hidden place is fantastic and magical, love this one! the seastars gives it a slightly different note, very natural kind. björks voice was strange that day.

-i like this intro of moon very much! she sings so beautiful here :love: but again this choir >:( BÄ! in my opinion, they just don't match with björks voice, they sound so intruding and stupid, :cry: i miss greenland girl. and does she sing 'and chicken to the starthole' once??? :shifty: lol i love how björk dances...

-crystalline sounds kinda tacky/cheap live, I prefere the studio versions... oh and I love the fires, björk is a fire! + well the end is epic, I still can remeber the first time I listened to it, i was like, holy shiaaat!!!!

-the visuals for hollow are so good!!!! but the beat part in it doesn't kick ass like the album version, hmpf... what a bummer! but the ending is nice!

-dark matter, i like the beginning very much, björks voice is louder than on the album, that has more tension, but again these choir girls, they seem so distracted and some of them (especially the ones in glitter blue) seem to feel very cool and hip, okay now I'm starting attacking them, that's not good, I'm sorry, but how do they dare being distracted while on stage with BJÖRK??????? i feel sadness and loss of quality....

-i actually don't like isobel that much, but this version is very good, like it!

-this guy with the calimbas (?) is aaaaaaaaaawesome :shock: one day it will happen, one day it will all come true (I'm a debut lover that was my first album of björk I had :love: ) this one is fabulous! (I actually am still convinced that the suiciede-stalker killed himself while listening to one day/there's more to life than this...hmmmm)

-cosmogony: i like the beat at the second half. but the quality of the audio is so bad I couldn't listen to it completely

-joga seems a bit faster then usual, i don't know if I like it, but I like the choir on this one a bit, and I love the visuals, joga is one of my favourite videos! björks voice is a bit rattly on this one - a pity! they could have done some alex empire, it would have matched the drum n bass stuff on biophilia... the end is a mess...bummer! >:(

-nothing beats voltaic sonnets, and specially not this crazy fuzz, lol :lol: poor björk why is she hanging out with them.... my heart hurts...stop it...

-mutual core is healthy and beefy, love this one :hyper:

-last but not least declare indipendance: love it, they seemed to have a party on the stage, but it feels a bit empty without the brass...

sorry for being so share-needy... I just wanted to summarize everything I thought about the live videos. and I think I'll start missing volta live tour. whatever. I think festivals aren't the right place for biophilia live, although mif is a festival too, I think there it was more intimate,a nd as björk said, now it's the start of the biophilia jurney at the end (as in volta tour) there will be the real live jewels (eg developement of innocence live!)... but I would love to see more volta songs on biophilia live, I think my juvenile and I see who you are are matching quiet well, desired constellation, sun in my mouth too :love:
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Postby Kotryna » Mon Oct 03, 2011 10:24 pm

^try not to compare incomparable tours. bringing biophilia gig to a bestival stage wasn't such a great idea
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Postby wereduck » Sun Oct 09, 2011 9:10 pm

So absolutely no broadcast, not even one song. Thanks, sky!
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Postby Kotryna » Sun Oct 09, 2011 10:03 pm

So absolutely no broadcast, not even one song. Thanks, sky!
don't forget it was :logo: who declined that
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Postby benjicoq » Sat Feb 11, 2012 3:46 pm

By the way, i found a bootleg

http://www.dimeadozen.org/torrents-deta ... ?id=382903

i think all we had was youtube vids, this might be a good find... I still have to wait till the torrent ins downloaded :)
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Postby Kotryna » Sun Feb 12, 2012 10:10 pm

not a great show compered to all biophilia tour so far. really bad day for the choir

and the whole feeling is not right. like in a hurry
lacks balance
except dark matter and mutual core. hoarseness in her voice made that song better
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