Hi everyone!
Recently i discovered that finally there are diferent software,PlugInS and apps powered by artificial intelligence to take any song and split it into 4 or 5 stems (bass,drums,vocals,etc) and use them to Make remixes or instrumentals,acapellas or just have fun listening to the stems…
I’m personally obsessed with beats now
Its true that the results are not perfect and it really depends on how the songs are recorded and mastered and what kind of instruments are used,but its just a matter of time they will be better and better performing its job.
I loved to listen to bjorks music this way like “i only want bass and drums on this song” or “only voice and drums for this other” etc
I also discovered a lot of details and Stuff i never heard before,and i started listening to bjork in 2000-2001…
One can dream,i hope in the future this is a regular option to listen to music,that artist release their music in a number of stems per song with the artist main mix but you can play and change that mix as you want…
I extracted the beats from hidden place and this is the result as an example
What do you think about all those tools emerging for song splitting purposes?
Would you buy an album remastered in a future format that lets you mix the song your own way?